Wednesday 13 May 2015

Review: Superdrug Colour Rewind.

Its been quite  a while since I last posted and I have no excuse for that. I think I lost inspiration for a while, but now I'm back and hoping to be better then ever. (fingers crossed)

 So to kick start things again I thought I'd start off with a review of Superdrug's own version of Colour B4. Its basically a hair colour stripper, heres what they say:

"Superdrug Colour Rewind Hair Colour Remover has an extra strength formula and helps to remove unwanted permanent and semi-permanent dark hair colours.
Contains ammonia or bleach."

Now I'll give you a little background on my hair as I haven't posted in a while. Around last June I got a full head of highlights put in over dark hair, and this is how it turned out:

Don't get me wrong, I liked it and I kept it up until about a month ago. I was scrolling through some old photos of myself and stumbled across some with dark hair and then I was toying with the idea of going back dark, and I did, I went DARK.

I loved it at first and I was super happy with it until the dreaded roots started to grow through. Now being a natural blonde my roots aren't usually an issue with most colours, but when you go as dark as I did they seriously stand out. So, me being me and being bored of the upkeep already, I decided to strip out the dark brown. 

I popped into superdrug and was intending on buying Colour B4 as I have used it before and had good results, but then I noticed Colour Rewind was on offer for around £4.99 or something close to that, and because I cant resist a good bargain I snapped it up!

Inside you get three bottles, you mx one and two together and the 3rd is the buffer for when you're ready to rinse. Now as most other people say, it does smell pretty bag, a little like gone off eggs that have been set on fire, nice. You apply it all over your head and then wait 60 minutes. I covered my head with a bag to keep the heat in and blasted it with a hair dryer as it helps it activate. When you first see it after the 60 minutes your hair will probably look a gorgeous shade of neon orange, mine did but it does darken slightly when you're rinsing it out. The rinsing process is a bit of a pain, it takes forever and you feel like a wrinkled prune by the time you get out of the shower.

So, my results? I actually quite like it, it came out a ginger/auburn shade, which is the colour I want to try going next anyway. I couldn't get a great picture as my hair is naturally a bit wavy and I'm trying not to use hot tools on it for a while, but you can sort of see the difference. Its a lot redder in person, which I personally don't mind. I was really impressed with this product and I would recommend it to anyone!

Jess x

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